
Howdy, my name is

Hugo Ramon Pereira

I've been working as a Frontend Developer for over 3 years. I am fascinated with building cool modern responsive interfaces, that are gonna give people a unique and pleasant experience.

Ramon's profile picture

Tech Stack

These are the main technologies I've been working with


A progressive, performant and versatile Javasctipt framework



A Vue.js framework that makes web development intuitive and powerful



A Javascript Library for building great user interfaces



A React.js based web development framework



A Javascript runtime built on Chrome's V8 engine



Typed programming language that builds on Javascript

My projects

These are some of the projects I've found important to showcase
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Hack in Cariri

Hack in Cariri is a startup that provides trainings, courses, lectures and also organizes in-person and online events on Cybersecurity, InfoSec and other topics about Security and Hacking. We already have several partners in many states.

React.jsNext.jsTailwindCSSShadcn/uiReact QueryNest.jsPrisma
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Software for managing your personal budget and finances where you can create an account to be able to log in, then add your bank accounts, filter, edit and remove transactions, look for past transactions in the calendar and have more control of your finances.

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A complete application where the waiters and waitresses can manage the orders in a given restaurant. The application is mobile to be used by the waitstaff and there is also the web version for the manager to watch over the orders and the backend.

React.jsReact NativeNode.jsExpoTypescriptExpressStyled-ComponentsMongoDBDocker
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My Contacts

Application where you can add, edit, remove contacts, add categories and handle them in such an easy way, with a smooth interface. The app has a Backend that stores and runs the logic necessary to make the Frontend work in perfect synchrony.

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Would you like to see more projects?See more projects

Professional Experience


I am always open to new challenges and great projects. Let's work together to create innovative and inspiring solutions and products.

Hack in Cariri
Hack in Cariri

Frontend Developer and Co-Founder

December-2023 - Present

Frontend Developer and co-founder of this startup, built and have been building with the other team members to improve the interface of the platform with React.js and Next.js, I develop new features, components, bug fixing, plannings and I also work organizing the events


React.jsNext.jsTypescriptReact QueryTailwindCSSShadcn/uiNest.jsPrisma
Pagie Portal
Pagie Portal

Frontend Developer

November-2022 / October-2023 - (11 months)

Worked on 3 different projects, building interfaces using React with Javasctipt, I also had the role to assist newer developers when they got stuck, join meetings in different time zones across the globe.


React.jsJavascriptCSSHTMLSocket.IOMaterial UIStripe

Frontend Developer

April-2022 / November-2022 - (8 months)

Worked on the main project of the company, Docspider, adding new features, creating new components, testing components, fixing bugs and on plannings to brainstorm new ideas for the project to evolve.


React.jsTypescriptBootstrapC#.NETAzure DevOpsJestReact Testing Library

Frontend Developer

January-2021 / March-2022 - (1 year and 3 months)

Worked as a freelancer for multiple clients, building tailored solutions for their needs, having meetings with the developers to design, think of solutions, discuss new features and what can be improved.




Articles I write thinking about sharing content that I find to be useful with other developers
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Setting up React-Query in your React project

Walkthrough on how to set up React-Query with Axios in React.js applications, improving operations between Frontend and Backend

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The importance of using Server-Side Rendering with Next.js

An article about one the best features of Next.js, Server-side rendering, when it should be used and why

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Creating your own Custom Hooks

An article about React Hooks and how useful they can be to our applications and why how we can create our own

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Server Components: React.js and Next.js

An article about RSC - React Server Components is an architecture model developed by the React team and its importance


Do you have any projects to build? Just get in touch!